Fort LeBoeuf School District

Education Low Slope Replacement

Fort LeBoeuf School District

Remove ballast and EPDM. Mechanically fasten new 2” iso with lite deck fasteners over existing tapered insulation into the existing gypsum & tectum decking. Then, install 1/2” Secureshield with foam adhesive. Lastly, install .090 fully adhered EPDM Versico Roofing System.



  • Client

    Fort LeBoeuf School District

  • Tags

    Education, PA

  • Project Location

    34 East 9th St., Waterford, PA 16441

  • Size

    1241 SQ Versico

  • Roof System

    Versico - fully adhered

  • Architect

    Hallren, Restifo, Loop, and Coughlin

  • General Contractor

    Hudson Companies

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